About Our Practice

About Our Practice

Wellness Works Counseling LLC  offers counseling services to adults, children, couples, and families in a supportive environment. All WWC counselors are licensed and fully qualified in their field of expertise. We recognize clients as unique individuals worthy of respect. All staff members treat clients with dignity and therefore value patient confidentiality regarding all aspects of their care.
Stained Glass


To embolden minds, to enliven bodies and to enhearten spirits.

Mission Statement

Wellness Works Counseling partners with individuals, professionals, and community groups in order to improve the mental health of the people we serve.  By working comprehensively in these three areas, we provide quality services for individuals, families, and groups.  Further, our commitment to high ethical standards ensures our work is built on a foundation of trust and care. 

Serving individuals, families, and groups – Wellness Works Counseling serves clients who want to make positive changes in their lives and improve their relationships.  Our professionals empower clients to meet their goals through establishing trusting relationships, using strength-based approaches and applying evidence-based methods.

Working within our group – Wellness Works Counseling values a work culture of mutual respect, professional growth, and self-care.  Professionals balance an independent practice while working within a cohesive practice setting.  Staff is empowered to problem-solve and create solutions in constructive ways that increase efficiency, productivity, and a spirit of balance and fun. 

Partnering with the community – Wellness Works Counseling seeks to strengthen collaborative relationships with community groups for the purpose of (1) supporting clients and staff (2) finding opportunities to volunteer time, and (3) identifying ways Wellness Works Counseling can more fully support mental health needs in the community.